16-32mm PVC pipe line
post time : 2018-08-15  |  view : 7,020 views  |  font size adjust : 16px   14px   12px

one mold four output【PVC pipe production line】or【PVC pipe making machine】is one of our advantage products , xinda precision machinery company has focused on plastic machinery over 20 years with rich experience and strong technology , our machinery has exported to over 20 countries , such as Iran , Vietnam , UAE , Africa , Germany , America , etc. according to the customers’ feedback and market demands , we continue to perfect the design and quality , we promise you the top quality and the turn-key service including installation , testing run and training workers in your local factory . So we are your trustworthy partner ! we believe that our cooperation will benefit both of us .please contact Mr John Yu to get more details . Tel : +86 (0) 13301561523 ; Email: admin@xinda-machinery.com

PVC UPVC pipe main diameter :

PVC pipe line diameter

PVC pipe line diameter

1. 16-32mm PVC pipe production line machines :
1.1 SJSZ65/132 conical twin screw extruder / 1 set
1.2 XDT32 vacuum cooling tank 4-chambers / 1 set
1.3 4-pipe hauling machine & cutter / 1 set
1.4 tipping table
1.5 extrusion mould 4-output

2 SJSZ65/132 extruder main parameter :
2.1 screw diameter : (mm) 65/132
2.2 screw rotation type : incongruous towards out
2.3 main power : 37kw
2.4 barrel heating power : 18kw
2.5 cooling power : 0.55 * 4
2.6 cooling type : air blowing
2.7 screw max rotation speed : 34rpm
2.8 production capacity : 200-240kg/h
2.9 center height : 1000mm±50

16-32mm PVC pipe production line four output

PVC pipe making machine 4-output

PVC pipe making machine 4-output

PVC pipe production line four output

PVC pipe production line four output

16-32mm PVC pipe machine

16-32mm PVC pipe machine

PVC tube machine

PVC tube machine

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